Overview on the Masterclass

This practical training supports people from communication, product development and sales in designing convincing mobility solutions for various target groups.

  • 3 interactive modules on diversity, data & how to take action
  • 3 practice-oriented tasks for innovative product development
  • certificate showing your new expertise on inclusive mobility
  • Two women looking at a laptop, working on masterclass.

    Use the full potential of mobility solutions.

    People have a variety of needs when traveling from A to B and C.
    The different life realities of target groups such as young people, families or older people are often not sufficiently known. In this masterclass, a variety of movement patterns are analyzed and concrete measures are presented in order to exploit previously untapped opportunities for mobility offers.

    Ready to unleash the full potential of innovative mobility offers and inspire target groups even better?

    Start the “Mobility for all - Spot the Potential” masterclass now!

    • Develop and apply a deep understanding of movement patterns and behaviors of diverse target groups

    • Optimize existing solutions, discover new opportunities and use innovative mobility offers

    • Strengthen future skills and introduce modern methods and technologies

    Start the masterclass now!

    The “Spot the Potential” masterclass starts in December andcan be started at any time and includes a total of six months access. For group bookings and alternative billing contact [email protected]

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    Dieses Projekt wird von EIT Urban Mobility unterstützt, einer Initiative des Europäischen Innovations- und Technologieinstituts (EIT), einer Einrichtung der Europäischen Union. EIT Urban Mobility setzt sich dafür ein, positive Veränderungen im Bereich der Mobilität zu beschleunigen, um städtische Räume lebenswerter zu machen. Mehr erfahren unter: eiturbanmobility.eu.